Electrodeposition and characterization of CuSbSe2 thin films

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Khadija Abouabassi
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Lab. Matériaux Energie Renouvelable (LMER) Faculté des Sciences-Agadir, Université Ibn Zohr, Morocco

Electrodeposition is one of the main thin films deposition technique in the laboratory of materials and renewable energies (LMER) on the faculty of sciences Ibn Zohr of Agadir_Morocco. Among the compound that are already elaborated, ZnO, Cu2ZnSnS4, Cu2O, In2O3, CuInS2 and very recently CuSbSe2.

The seminar will be focused on the results obtained so far on the different electrodeposition techniques used to develop CuSbSe2 thin films, as well as some characterization results such as XRD, SEM and UV-Vis spectrophotometry.

It will conclude its presentation with a summary of some other types of thin films such as Cu2O, CZTS and CIS.



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IMEM, Sala A